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Friday, May 23, 2008

The Daily Murmur Returns

Like a bad sci-fi movie, it's baaaack.

Murmur-er than ever and ready for action.

Stay tuned.

We're Now OnlineDraper.Com

The New OnlineDraper.com. Streamlined and Fresh. Kind of like FrontRunner smothered with Johnson's Baby Lotion.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Diverse Draper

There is such diversity in Draper: those who look forward to having TRAX here, and those who don't; those who put their garbage and recycling cans inside the garage/in the backyard and those who want to have their homes/neighborhoods look like the ghetto; those who drive SUVs and those who actually live within a budget and care about the environment; those who love charter schools and those who keep losing the lotteries; those who drive to Salt Lake to work and those who drive to Provo to work; those who have breast implants and those few who don't; those who will shop at the new Harmons and those who shop online and have theirs delivered, thank you very much.